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#  Remineralization experiments - Controls
#  PI: Angelicque White (Oregon State University, CEOAS)
#  Co-PI: Adina Paytan (UC Santa Cruz, IMS)
#  Contact: Katie Watkins-Brandt (Oregon State University, CEOAS)
#  Version: 30 April 2015
#  NOTES: No apparent clear trends that suggest changes to inorganic poolsMeans were calculated toMeans were calculated to estimate error in sampling and instrument detection.
PO4_mean  PO4_stdev  NO3_NO2_mean  NO3_NO2_stdev  silicate_mean  silicate_stdev  NO2_mean  NO2_stdev  NH4_mean  NH4_stdev  
0.16      0.05       0.18          0.11           1.18           0.24            0.08      0.06       0.34      0.20